Arsenal are once again gunning for a late rush ride to the 4th spot on the EPL log.

It is something The Londonershave become accustomed to in recent years away from the era where they dominated the Premier League with Alex Fergusona��s United, an era where domestic success was looked upon as the least achievement required of the team each season.
Nowadays with Arab money burrowing its way through the established hierarchy of footballing top dogs in virtually every major league in Europe and time and circumstances doing the rest, the professora��s once envied kid has somehow become forced to share the lime light with the new boys and of recent are being bullied into the background due to their inability to compete financially.
Since then The Gunnera��s routine has become more of early season title-pretences, mid-season collapses and laterush to a Champions League spot.
Same can be said of this season except that a new variable has appeared: Tottenham. The cross town rivals have frankly being part and parcel of the new lows Wenger and his team have faced this season starting from finishing above them for the first time in 22 years to serving as a positional block to the gunnersa�� climb into the top four [Continue reading…]